Sunday, October 21, 2007


Abby was asleep for the first snow of the season (and everyone knows you don't mess up a perfectly good naptime just to see a little snow), so last weeks storm brought her first snow experience of the year. Actually, it's kind of her first snow ever, before now she wasn't old enough to fully appreciate it.

Later that day, there was still a little snow left.
Also, Abby has discovered that she loves to put her hands in her pockets.


Naomi said...

So when do you teach her how to sniff the snowflakes?! teehee.
Ah, memories of the good ol' days. :)

Rich and Kristl said...

Snowflake sniffing is only for workstudy students who like to take naps in the middle of their shifts instead of posting Dear Johns in the mens' rooms. I do miss the naps and snow, but not the mens' rooms.

Elysa said...

Too cute! I love the hands in the pockets!

Amelia said...

you guys were sooooo bad!