Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Ellie's Blessing

We blessed Ellie a couple of weeks ago. My mom is an incredible seamstress and made her sweet little dress.

Ellie with Nan and Grandpa


Shellie said...

I'll say your mom is a terrific seamstress! Wow, that dress is amazing.

Jenny M said...

She's beautiful! Congratulations!

Amelia said...

What a beautiful baby!

Naomi said...

Great job Nan! That dress is almost as cute as Ellie. :-) Congrats on your beautiful family.

The Phillips said...

Beautiful, !! is that taffeta ? I know someone else who had a taffeta dress haha fun times. Hope all is well if you ever get a sec when your down give me a call.

Brinton, Becky, and Gang said...

Oh my goodness you guys, she is beautiful! I can't wait to meet her.