Friday, February 15, 2008

A Not-So-Fun First

Wednesday was not a good day. That afternoon I was changing Abby on the bed in her room, when I went to put her down I didn't make sure she was completely steady before letting go and she stumbled right into the corner of her door. The sound was awful. I quickly picked her up and when I saw blood I ran downstairs yelling for my mom (thank goodness she was visiting!). After we stopped the bleeding I called her pediatrician's office who said to bring her in that evening. We went in and after a brief consultation were referred to Primary Children's Medical Center for stitches. So, we made the trek back to that part of town (now keep in mind, this is all during a huge snow storm). The doctors and nurses there were absolutely amazing. They gave Abby some kind of anesthesia that didn't knock her completely out, but they said it would make her feel like she was a little drunk. She was perfect while they did the stitches and I may be a terrible parent for saying this, but "drunk" Abby was pretty dang funny. At one point after they finished she was laying on the bed while the anesthesia wore off and when one of the nurses walked out, Abby starting singing a tipsy version of "na na na na, na na na na, hey hey hey, goodbye", it was hilarious. Because the weather was so bad, our travelling that day began at 4:30, and we didn't make it home until 9:30. It was an exhausting evening, but Abby was a champ through it all.
This is probaby the most gruesome before picture we have, notice not just the gash, but also the blood in her hair.

And after, with her six pretty, blue stitches.


Meg Rogers said...

Poor little Abby...let's make sure that is the only "Drunk Abby" you ever see. Too funny!

Kimberly Porter said...

Bless her little heart. I love the "na na na..." song part of the story. Classic cute.

Naomi said...

Poor little girl! I hadn't seen the blog yet and Michael informed me that our Savannah will be wearing a helmet as a toddler because he had seen Abby's mishap... :) I'm glad that she is okay and that you had your Mom there to help calm your nerves. Love from Texas.

Lisa B. said...

Scary! but so glad she's okay.