Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Rodent Invasion

Halloween was great this year. Matt was a bat and Abby was a rat - although, we told her she was a mouse, it sounded a little more feminine.
We decided to creepify our house, went to multiple celebrations, and in the end, we all felt like Abby looked in the picture at the bottom right.


Emily said...

I am seriously impressed with your decor! Ours consisted of the orange paper bag pumpkin and paper bat that Gabe made in preschool and two carved pumpkins that we didn't even carve till Halloween Eve. You guys rock!
By the way I am glad that your rodents are your children and not real rodents.

Kimberly Porter said...

Are those the bats that we "made" together? Your house looked awesome!

Kimberly Porter said...

Oh, and your kids are adorable rodents, too. :)

Kim said...

SO cute! And "creepy" too. :)

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